We are having open enrollement for our daycare services! if you have been waiting to get in, but didn’t have a referral; it is currently not required to know someone else that attends our private dog club.
We are accepting new sleepover furiends. We do require a min. of one full day of daycare a week or two prior(
not the week of) to any first time sleepover stay. This cannot be on the day nor the day before they need to start their sleepover, so please plan accordingly.
All pricing and information about our services can be found here, on our website. If you have any questions feel free to contact us via our contact page.

DISCLAIMER: We are permanently closed to new grooming clients and will not/do not have a wait list.

Daycare is Monday - Friday
Drop off is from 7am-10am; Pick up is from 4:30pm-7pm

DISCLAIMER: We are permanently closed to new grooming clients and will not/do not have a wait list. FOLLOW OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THE MOST CURRENT UPDATES

Daycare is closed on the weekends

House of Wag has one of the largest outdoor play yards of all the dog daycare/boarding facilities in the area. With almost 10,000 sq ft of outdoor play space and 1300 sq ft. indoor(heated in the winter, but not air conditioned) playroom, House of Wag is definitely one of the most spacious private play spots for the pooches.

What your furkid can expect on their first day:

Our first day/evaluation days are full day of daycare($25/one dog). It allows them time to get adjusted and for me to feel out their personality and get a feel for them. Also to help decide which day would be best for them if they are to come on a regular schedule. Our drop off is from 7am-10am, pick up is 4:30-7pm. They get a full day of playing, etc. There is a forced lunch/break/nap time where they are kenneled to rest and recharge for 2-3 hours starting usually at 12-1pm. This helps them not get cranky, over stimulated and overall mood.  This is also when our boarders will eat their meals. Anyone eating will be waiting no less than an hour after eating to be able to go play again.
Everyone goes back out to play around 3:30-4pm to play until it’s time to go home.
Be sure to follow our social media sites for pictures and videos posted through out the day and night.

Daycare Pass: A Daycare Pass may only be used for Daycare Services and cannot be used to pay for Boarding or Spaw Services. Daycare passes are not refundable.